The 11th Conference in the ATMCS Series

ATMCS is a conference series on algebraic topology, its role in computation and science, and its applications. This conference will bring together researchers representing different aspects of applied topology (broadly interpreted), and different disciplinary areas.

ATMCS11 invites submissions for contributed talks and posters. The submission is made as an extended abstracts through OpenReview: Link to OpenReview

Format: Each extended abstract must not exceed three (3) pages in length in any reasonale LaTex format. References and appendices do not count towards the page limit. A shorter abstract for the extended abstract is required and must end by naming the presenting author.
A sample tex file using the amsart format is provided for your convenience.

The extended abstracts of the accepted talks and posters will be available on the program webpage, and all contributed talks and posters will be invited to submit to a formal proceedings published as a special issue of the Springer journal La Matematica.

In the OpenReview submission, you will be asked to indicate if you want to present as an oral presentation, as a poster presentation, or if either would be acceptable.

For posters, submission of material that is to be submitted to (or to appear in) a refereed conference (e.g., SoCG’2025) or journal is allowed and encouraged; please indicate clearly with the submission if the work has already been presented/accepted elsewhere.

Important Dates

Action Date
Submission Friday, 24 January 2025
Notifications Friday, 28 February 2025
Camera-ready version Friday, 28 March 2025
Conference 21-25 July 2025

Scientific Committee
