This project, Statistical Approaches to Topological Data Analysis that Address Questions in Complex Data, is an NSF-funded Focused Research Group in the Matheamtical Sciences (FRG), at the interface between statistics, computer science, and mathematics.
Public abstracts
- Jessi Cisewski Kehe (UW Madison)
- Brittany Terese Fasy (MSU)
- Alessandro Rinaldo (UT Austin, formerly CMU)
- Larry Wasserman (CMU)
- Norm the Narwhal [PDF]
- Eric Berry, Yen-Chi Chen, Jessi Cisewski-Kehe & Brittany Terese Fasy, “Functional Summaries of Persistence Diagrams.” Published in Applied and Computational Topology, Springer, 2020. [paper] [STIX software]
- Jisu Kim, Jaehyeok Shin, Frédéric Chazal, Alessandro Rinaldo & Larry Wasserman, “Homotopy Reconstruction via the Cech Complex and the Vietoris-Rips Complex.” SoCG, 2020. [paper]
- Brittany Terese Fasy, Benjamin Holmgren, Bradley McCoy & David L. Millman, “If You Must Choose Among Your Children, Always Pick the Right One” [paper] [video]
- Jessi Cisewski-Kehe, Brittany Terese Fasy, Dhanush Giriyan, & Eli Quist. “The Weighted Euler Characteristic Transform for Image Shape Classification.” [ArXiv] [code]
- Kwangho Kim, Jisu Kim, Joon Sik Kim, Frederic Chazal, & Larry Wasserman, “Efficient Topological Layer based on Persistent Landscapes.” [paper]
Previous Talks and Events
- Aug 2020: Jessi Cisewski-Kehe. Uncovering the Holes in the Universe with Topological Data Analysis. Contributed talk at JSM 2020.
- July 2020: Brittany Terese Fasy. Finite Representations of Shapes in Euclidean Space. Invited talk at “Optimal Transport, Topological Data Analysis and Applications to Shape and Machine Learning”
- July 2020: Jessi Cisewski-Kehe. Invited talk at “Optimal Transport, Topological Data Analysis and Applications to Shape and Machine Learning”
- Jan. 2020: Brittany Terese Fasy, Anna Schenfisch & Jordan Schupbach. Inside or Outside? STEAM night presentation at Hawthorne Elementary.